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For 91 percent of companies, the professional and personal development of all employees is the next most important measure in the fight against the shortage of skilled workers.

Most HR managers know that, especially in the course of rapid change, it is not enough to promote only certain employees or teams. The entire workforce needs up-to-date know-how to be able to work efficiently and well.

Once your employees have arrived, we are of course happy to support you in their ongoing development. For this purpose, we offer both standardised trainings and completely individually developed interactive trainings.

Professional development is still extremely important to most employees – more than 83 % of German employees are interested in professional development. Among those under 40, the figure is even more than 90 %.

Nevertheless, nearly one third of employees do not receive any further training offers from their employers. In the industrial and craft professions, it is even almost more than 50% of employees who do not receive any further training offers.

83.7% of German employees are interested in continuing vocational training
But 1/3 do not get any further training offers from the employer
Of these, only 33.2% suggest suitable offers to their employer themselves

We also help your company and your employees to develop in a permanently focused way.

Customer Education


Employee Education


Partner Education


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