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The perfect training or learning outcome does not exist. But we ensure that your trainings always stay engaging, contemporary, goal-oriented and up-to-date. For us, continuous development is both our reason for existence and our ultimate ambition.

That is why the philosophy of the Japanese Kaizen concept for “continuous improvement” not only forms the basis for our company name, but also for our methodical approach. The name is composed of the Japanese terms “Kai” (“change”) and “Zen” (“for the better”).

It is essential for us to approach every learning situation analytically. Because every situation is different. Every person learns and consolidates knowledge in their own way. Auditory learners absorb things faster when they hear them spoken aloud. Videos, lectures and audio presentations are best suited for these people.

Visual learners, as you might expect, prefer things they can see: Diagrams, tables and information arranged in shapes and colours. Kinesthetic learners (also known as experiential learners) need to do something to absorb a lesson.

For this reason, we consider a broad mix of learning opportunities to be useful. Research confirms our practical experience showing that the most important formats for this mix are web-based training (86 percent) and videos (81 percent), followed by e-books (75 percent), audio files (73 percent), online campuses (73 percent), live webinars (72 percent), print materials (70 percent) and apps (69 percent).

We encourage you to combine all these approaches in your learning opportunities. This way you can meet the needs of all learners. Therefore we regularly encourage you to question and develop your learning content and opportunities.

Web Based Trainings






Audio files






Printed materials




Digitalisation and New Work are not a vision of the future, but reality. The task now is to identify individual training needs together with the employees and to provide the corresponding training offers. As far as the organisation of learning is concerned, this should allow for the greatest possible flexibility and make full use of mobile options: this way, each employee can decide for themselves when, where and how they learn.

Maziar ArsalanGeschäftsführer der SGD

Standardized Training Content

No matter whether it is about the basics or about special topics in the areas of data protection, compliance, ESG, IT security or occupational health and safety. We have a wide range of standardised e-learning courses on these topics.

Data protection, information security or compliance do not have to be dry and boring? In the end, it’s a question of presentation! Using interactive stories, we can also convey this content in a clear and understandable way. Would you like to integrate your brand or your own content into a standard course? That is also possible. We are also happy to implement your individual preferences.

Contact us and we will be happy to inform you about our standardised training portfolio.

Individual Training Content

Are you looking for a quick implementation and/or enhancement of your PowerPoint slides? Do you have instruction or learning content that you want to convey in a training with knowledge control and need help with the implementation? Do you need someone with experience in teaching a complex subject area or help in developing a specific staff training?

Whatever you’re looking for, we’re passionate and creative about your topics. Our learning designers have the ideas and the know-how to turn your content into learning experiences that are fun to use. Do you need learning content for different devices or in several languages? No problem, we can also implement these requirements for you!

Together we analyse your requirements and select the best tool for implementation. Whether web-based training, instructional video, podcast or a complete learning journey with a combination of different methods: We create learning content that fits 100% to your company and your target group.

You provide us with your specifications, and we use them to create your desired learning experience – from WBT to podcast …
Your learning content is adapted to your corporate design and optimised for all end devices …
Based on the needs of your target group, we develop your Web Based Training (WBT) ….
Our team of specialists from a wide range of disciplines realises your topics didactically to the point and visually appealing …
Your WBT can be created or translated in any language …
From the voiceover to the catching key visual – if required, we can also create your own videos for you …

We are asked the following question again and again during the e-learning development process. How can the number of hours needed for the development of an e-learning project be calculated in order to effectively estimate the development costs derived from it?

We can never give a general answer to this question. Because here too, as so often in life, it depends. More precisely, it depends on how long the training to be developed should take and how much interactivity it should contain.

The rule of thumb is that the more interactive the training, the more hours it will take to develop.

For comparability, we use the following learning content definition, which was published in 2010 as part of a study by the Chapman Alliance and is still the benchmark:

Simpler continuing education programmes without the use of interactions or media. These can be text or slide-based. A quiz or similar learning assessment may or may not be present.
Learning units with extensive interaction possibilities such as drag & drop, tabbed interactions, timelines, etc.. There are a limited number of branches in this level of programme. This level would be considered typical of most e-learning produced today
Learning units with elaborate interactions, simulations or extensive videos and animations.

But are expensive e-learning formats automatically better? No, not necessarily! The most elaborate and expensive e-learning programme does not help if learners do not complete it to the end. This is especially the case if the participants cannot see any practical benefit for their daily work.

Do you have little or no experience with digital or hybrid training? Then let us start with a clearly defined pilot project for a specific training need and a selected group of participants. This way, you and your employees can gain initial experience with the new way of learning and already start to establish a new, digital learning culture in your company.

We have had the best experience with this approach and are looking forward to starting a pilot project with you soon!

Start your project with us today!

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